Payment methods

List of payment methods
Payment methodPayout minimum1Time to deliverFee2
Bank account - Europe€100NET-15 daysUp to 1 business day€1Depends on your bank
Bank account - World€100NET-15 daysUp to 2 business days€1Depends on your bank
Bitcoin€50NET-15 days10 minutes1%None
Litecoin€50NET-15 days2.5 minutes1%None
Monero€50NET-15 days2 minutes1%None
Skrill€300NET-15 daysInstant€10 + 2.45%Up to 4%
PayPal€100NET-15 daysInstant€5From 3% to 8%
Payoneer€100NET-15 daysUp to 1 business day€1Depends on Payoneer terms
Tether USD€100NET-15 days1 to 10 minutes€5 + 1.00%None
USD Coin€100NET-15 days1 to 10 minutes€5 + 1.00%None

1 Payout minimum and internal time to deliver for each payment method for exclusive accounts is automatically decreased to half.
2 Other fee may be applied based on the chosen payout period, see each payout period "Fee".
3 External time to deliver and fee are set based on publicly available information about particular payment method. These information may be not actual and may be changed without our knowledge.